Four-year development

Well-balanced regional development studies will be pursued in a course of compulsory core subjects and selective specialized subjects. Using a detailed, small-group education style in seminar and thesis guidance, we emphasize practical, hands-on learning and practical on-site training to develop the ability to collaborate, specifically communication skills and coordination.

First year: Learn how to study at the university and develop interest in Regional Development Studies

Second year: Accumulate knowledge of Regional Development Studies and deepen interest in regional issues

Third year: Delve into the specialized theory of Regional Development Studies and acquire the skills to investigate and analyze regions

Fourth year: Propose solutions by utilizing the knowledge and skills that have been acquired over the entire course of study to face the regional issues one chooses as priorities

A leader of regional studies

Several national universities offer a undergraduate “regional studies” program. Some of them have organized the regional studies with less focused purposes and curricula due to the reformation of existing programs (for example, regional studies were reformed from Faculty of Education at some universities). The School of Regional Development Studies at Kanazawa University was developed with faculty members across different fields and disciplines. We believe the school is the first undergraduate program in a national university, focusing on genuine regional studies.

The School in Kanazawa University College of Human and Social Sciences

To study a particular subject according to a conventional field of study, such as law, economics, and literature, there are School of Law, School of Economics, and School of Humanities at Kanazawa University. In contrast to these fields of study, the School of Regional Development Studies is not confined to a specific academic area; rather, it comprehensively examines contemporary problems and issues through practical and applied approaches in a cross-subjects and interdisciplinary manner.

Academic and career path

Career development seminars are offered to help students decide their academic and career paths after graduation. Talks and presentations by alumni are good references for students to develop a specific image of their future. Kanazawa University also helps students prepare for a civil service examination (koumuin shiken), which has seen great success. Graduates from the School of Regional Development Studies have worked in a wide variety of fields and disciplines at private sectors and non-profit organizations. Those people who would like to pursue an advanced degree at a graduate school may consider a Master’s and Doctoral course at Kanazawa University, such as Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies and Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology.

Envisioning resilient community, sustainable society, and global inclusive society

The keyword of prosperous future of Japan is “regional development capacity.” It is the capacity to resolve various problems and issues in a regional community with the wise use of natural, cultural, and traditional resources existing in the community. It is the capacity to help achieve regional regeneration with new discoveries and identifications of values existing in the region.  The School of Regional Development Studies aims to foster regional leaders with these capacities. The Regional Development Studies is the frontier research area pursuing well-being and happiness of every individual in a community. The School of Regional Development Studies offers unique programs that focus on first-hand interactions with a community from interdisciplinary research perspectives.